
Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Former welfare mom and now nationally-known political commentator Star Parker had a great two-liner that really crystallized what is wrong with the widespread socialization, systematization and standardization of our government schools.

From her website, www.urbancure.org:

Our politicians tell us now that we need to turn the whole country over to them because capitalism has supposedly failed and we need protection from exploitation by the wealthy.
Has anyone noticed that the only markets that have failed in America are the ones distorted with major government controls, regulations, subsidies, or taxpayer guarantees?

See what a dark well we are dropping our kids into, with the new Learning Community bureaucracy, controls, regulations, subsidies and guarantees we are putting in place? What we are doing is copying the Native American schools, which basically operate totally under federal controls and in the absence of parental involvement, for the most part. And what is the graduation rate and the average ACT score in Nebraska's Native American schools?

There's an old multicultural term to describe them: UFF DA!

Everything in my being says we are going to drive even the best of our schools closer to the atrocious performance and waste of the inner-city schools and the Native American schools, rather than improving them.

The only thing that would work is what has always worked in this country: free enterprise.

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The Omaha, Nebraska area learning community was never designed with the needs of students in mind. It was primarily a political pander-fest to get State Sen. Ernie Chambers to advise fellow senators, who acquiesced to him on this issue, to repeal the law splitting the Omaha school district into three districts, mainly along racial and ethnic lines. It was also designed to get the Omaha Public School District to drop legal threats against the State.

This Rube Goldberg learning community, a bureaucratic nightmare with a plethora of forever squabbling voting and non-voting members will not help anybody learn anything. It will, however, raise the property tax, which is already the nation's third highest in Nebraska.

An executive director has been hired at $80,000 to $100,000 a year, which will come from the total budget of $1,500 for the first year. Let's see, how many school computers would $1,500,000 buy? You do the math.
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